a community gathering - we have big goals here.

Minded camp is the concept of bringing our inner child out, take our barriers down, and immerse ourselves into each other, lean on each other and hear each others experience though free form events and guided interviews from your peers and accomplished, aspirational women. We live eat and breathe what we believe, and these camps are honing on the power of numbers, the power of women, the power of our surroundings, and honing strength, wisdom, joy and peace. we are surrounded by beauty on a daily basis and we want to help that become a showcase.



upcoming NYC events

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minded camp capsule

a small group of individuals curated to provide you the most impactful experience.

apply here.


are you interested in bringing minded camp to your city?

Add a description of your services here. Penatibus et magnis natoque penatibus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel penatibus augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.